Monday, May 6, 2013

What Do You Wear?!?


So after a week of the blah's, I am doing better. I had a craft show (I repurpose furniture...if you're so inclined, you can check out my craft blog here). So the past week was spent being super super busy painting and sanding. I ended up missing two runs (boo!) but I don't feel that bad because I was doing so much moving around at home, plus it snowed in May. Yes. SNOW. I actually had to work from home one day because of all the snow!

So, I did my first CT5K run without stopping. I actually think it was a little easier to just keep going rather than doing intervals. I don't know why, (maybe it was the awesome weather), but I felt I didn't check the clock and enjoyed my run today. I know, did I actually just use the words enjoy and run in the same sentence?!?!?!

I was thinking last night that since I'm 6 weeks into running and doing fairly good about it, I probably am at the point I need to invest in some gear. I have some new shoes I got in my last trimeaster of my pregnancy and so far they rock (New Balances...I had Nikes previously and they sucked for me). I also invested in an armband for my new iPhone. By the way, I'm pretty much in love with the Nike+ app. If anyone else uses it, we should be friends so I have some modivation to get out and run!!!

Plus size work out clothes are hard to come by! You'd think that since I need to do more working out than my skinny counterparts, I would be able to find some. I don't want short shorts. Believe me. No one needs to see the jiggle of my thighs. But I know it's going to be fairly warm this summer, so I need something other than pants. I was thinking some compression capris with running shorts. The best place I found so far was Old Navy.

So, blog land, where do you find work out clothes? Any hints to keep the chub from rubbing the other chub?

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