Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Exercise Clothes: Plus Size Finds

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

It was a long wet weekend here in the midwest. We didn't get to do a whole lot outside on our Memorial Day weekend. My in-laws were visiting Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday my hubby and I (and kiddos) did a little shopping. I bought two new pieces of workout clothing. I know my husband is on the exercise bandwagon when he doesn't even bat an eye at me spending $80 bucks on shorts and a tank top.

I have done lots of googling lately on where to buy plus size workout gear. I do find it ironic that I finally get my butt into gear and I can't find anything to cover said butt.

A few weeks ago I went into Kohls and found some running legging capris that fit. They were XL and from FILA. (I got this pair and this pair...the first is a bit more comfy and compressing) They are quite comfortable to run in, although I've quite the time trying to get over the fact I'm wearing spandex in public with such a huge rear end. I have been wearing longer shirts, but I still have to remind myself over and over again that it doesn't matter what I look like because I'm getting out and moving and the haters gonna hate! I see that FILA does over extended sizes online, although I found their XL very stretchy.

I did want to find a nice tank top and shorts to wear. When I think running shorts, I think way...way...too shorts. I don't know why spandex butt is okay but short shorts butt is not. But that's how I think. I went into a large sports store and looked around. There was so much cute stuff but I knew none of it would fit me. I finally broke down and asked an employee if they carried any of the Nike extended sizes. I don't know why it took me so long to ask. I guess I felt I would get judged if I dare ask where the plus size exercise gear...like it was a oxymoron or something. She was very kind and continued to follow up with me once I tried everything on. I found two pairs that fit me  (This pair and this pair) and a tank that fit me too (Kinda like this one). I decided that I would stick with the longer grey pair for now (the first link). I could have gone a size down in my shorts but I decided I'd rather them be a bit baggy in case I decided to wear my leggings underneath. I was running late today so I knew I would have to skip my run and lunch, but I'm super excited to get out a run with them! Yay Nike for making extended sizes!!!

My running is going so well! Well, make no doubt about it, I'm slow. In fact some 80 year old man sped walked past me last week. I almost stopped to take a picture it was so ridiculous. Last Wednesday the weather was BEAUTIFUL. It was overcast and cool, and I felt like I could run forever! I ended up running 2.70 miles without stopping! Whoop whoop! C25K has been so awesome for me. I highly recommend the program! I think I might make my 5k without walking! I took some pictures after my run of the beautiful lake I'm fortunate enough to run around three times a week.

Wednesday's Run. Overcast and so wonderful to run in!

Friday's Run. Much sunnier and warmer, but still nice.

It's not a remote area...its right off downtown. However, last Wednesday a deer ran next to me! I think he was quite lost. It was a crazy sight to see.

Keep on everyone!!! :)


Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

I wasn't all that excited to weigh in today. I only ran once last week (I spent the rest of the time doing housework for my daughter's birthday party this weekend. And it was my husband's last finals week ever, so I was on kiddo duty as well).

Weight: 247.4
Waist: 38 (?)
Hips: 56

No bust because I took my measurements while pumping..and I may have forgotten my waist measurement in the 10 minutes it took me to log into my e-mail. Can I blame being a sleep deprived mom? My 5 month old would not sleep last night. I ended up with 4 hours of sleep and let me tell you when you get up in the middle of that 4 hours to nurse, it is more definitely not enough. Bleh.

Monday, May 6, 2013

What Do You Wear?!?


So after a week of the blah's, I am doing better. I had a craft show (I repurpose furniture...if you're so inclined, you can check out my craft blog here). So the past week was spent being super super busy painting and sanding. I ended up missing two runs (boo!) but I don't feel that bad because I was doing so much moving around at home, plus it snowed in May. Yes. SNOW. I actually had to work from home one day because of all the snow!

So, I did my first CT5K run without stopping. I actually think it was a little easier to just keep going rather than doing intervals. I don't know why, (maybe it was the awesome weather), but I felt I didn't check the clock and enjoyed my run today. I know, did I actually just use the words enjoy and run in the same sentence?!?!?!

I was thinking last night that since I'm 6 weeks into running and doing fairly good about it, I probably am at the point I need to invest in some gear. I have some new shoes I got in my last trimeaster of my pregnancy and so far they rock (New Balances...I had Nikes previously and they sucked for me). I also invested in an armband for my new iPhone. By the way, I'm pretty much in love with the Nike+ app. If anyone else uses it, we should be friends so I have some modivation to get out and run!!!

Plus size work out clothes are hard to come by! You'd think that since I need to do more working out than my skinny counterparts, I would be able to find some. I don't want short shorts. Believe me. No one needs to see the jiggle of my thighs. But I know it's going to be fairly warm this summer, so I need something other than pants. I was thinking some compression capris with running shorts. The best place I found so far was Old Navy.

So, blog land, where do you find work out clothes? Any hints to keep the chub from rubbing the other chub?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weigh In: Argh!

Hello there!

I was scared to weigh myself today. I have eaten terrible the past week. I just have been SO hungry. I think it's because I am nursing more. Now that doesn't mean I have an excuse for eating so terrible. I should have eaten better when I was so hungry.

Weight: 248.4 (up from last week)

I didn't measure myself yet but the gain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have Decided so long as I am nursing that I can't be focused on numbers. I did have someone...okay...my mom is the someone. She said my face was looking thinner.

So after a hard stressful week, I am going to rededicate myself.

Week 5 of Couch to 5k! Everything is going great.